Which of today's movies would you watch?

The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
(1952-1966) was a very popular and long-running
sitcom epitomizing the nuclear family of the
1950s and 1960s. It lasted 14 seasons and 434
episodes. Ozzie Nelson, creator, director and star, was born March 20,
1906. It was based on his real-life family,
including singing star Ricky Nelson, born May
8, 1940.
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet

An Enemy of the People (1978)
is an adaptation of the Henrik Ibsen play
by Arthur Miller. It is about a scientist who stands
against a town because of pollution. Ibsen
was born March 20, 1828. See also
An Enemy of the People in Bengal (1989).
An Enemy of the People
Generation Kill (2008) is a miniseries
about the experience of an embedded reporter
with a Marine battalion during the early days
of the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003,
March 20 to May 1. It is based on a book by
Evan Wright. It has seven parts. It won Emmys
for Sound Mixing, Sound Editing and Special
Visual Effects.
Generation Kill
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