Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Movies for the Day, Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Today's movies mark the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.

Which of today's movies would you watch?

Full Metal Jacket (1987) is a drama
following soldiers from basic training
to the war in Vietnam.  The war was
authorized by Congress through the Gulf
of Tonkin resolution, passed August 7,
1964.  A thrilling movie.

Full Metal Jacket

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) is based
on a true story of a DJ in Vietnam in
1965.  This comedy stars Robin Williams.
The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was passed by
Congress August 7, 1964, authorizing war
in Vietnam.

Good Morning, Vietnam

The Vietnam War (September 17 to September
28, 2017) is a PBS miniseries in 10 episodes
giving a comprehensive documentary look at the
Vietnam War.  The war was authorized by Congress
through the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which
passed August 7, 1964.  The series won an
Emmy for Sound Editing.

The Vietnam War

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