Which of today's movies would you watch?

Four Daughters (1938) is about small
town life. This very good movie stars
Claude Rains as the father. Rains was born
November 10, 1889.
Four Daughters

Stanley and Livingstone (1939) is
a dramatic retelling of the search for
a British missionary, Dr. David Livingstone,
born March 19, 1813, by a journalist, Sir
Henry M. Stanley, born January 28, 1941.
They met November 10, 1871, when Stanley
asked "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
Stanley and Livingstone

Look Back in Anger (1959) is
an angry young man movie starring
Richard Burton, born November 10,
1925. In this very good movie, the
college graduate is disillusioned by his
Look Back in Anger
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