Thursday, July 12, 2018

Movies for the Day, Friday, July 13, 2018

Today's movies mark Yugoslavia Recognition Day and the birthdays of Harrison Ford and Cameron Crowe.

When Father Was Away on Business (1985) is
set in 1950s Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, and is about a
father sent away to a labor camp and a family trying
to cope.  It is told mostly from the perspective of
a six-year-old boy.  July 13, 1922, was Yugoslavia
International Recognition Day.

When Father Was Away on Business

The Mosquito Coast (1986) is about
an inventor who movies his family
to a Central American village where he attempts
to create his own utopia and play god.
This acclaimed film stars Harrison Ford,
born July 13, 1942.

The Mosquito Coast

Almost Famous (2000) is about a teenager
on the road with a rock n roll band in the
1970s.  It is loosely based on the experiences
of writer/director Cameron Crowe, born
July 13, 1957.  The movie won an Oscar for
Writing.  Crowe was once at Rolling Stone
magazine.  Woodstock's anniversary is August
15 (1969).

Almost Famous

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