Sunday, July 1, 2018

Movies for the Day, Monday, July 2, 2018

Today's movies mark a death penalty case and the birthdays of Richard Lee Petty and Hermann Hesse.

Picture Snatcher (1933) is a crime
drama that has as a subplot that
the photographer main character gets
a taboo picture of a woman in the electric
chair.  The United States Supreme Court
overruled its own decision banning the death
penalty by a decision on July 2, 1976.

Picture Snatcher

Smash-up Alley (1972) is the story
of race car driver Richard Lee Petty.
The movie is also known as 43- The
Petty Story.  Petty was born July 2.

Smash-up Alley

Siddhartha (1973) is the story of a
young man from India who leaves
his family to seek enlightenment and
excitement.  It is based on the classic
by Hermann Hesse, born July 2,


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