Friday, January 24, 2020

Movies for the Day, Saturday, January 25, 2020

Today's movies mark the birthdays of Somerset Maugham and Virginia Woolf and an Egyptian protest.

Which of today's movies would you watch?

The Razor's Edge (1946) is about a World
War I survivor questioning the meaning of life
while various friends have personal crises.  It is based
on the novel by W. Somerset Maugham, born
January 25, 1874.  It won an Oscar for Supporting
Actress, to Anne Baxter.  See also The Razor's Edge

The Razor's Edge

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
is about two couples' all night session of
bitter conversation.  This passionate movie
won Oscars for Best Actress, to Elizabeth Taylor,
Supporting Actress, to Sandy Dennis,
Cinematography, Art Direction/Set Decoration, and
Costume Design.  Virginia Woolf was born
January 25, 1882.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

The Square (2013) is a documentary look
at the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 at Tahir
Square (January 25 to February 11, 2011) and
aftermath.  It won Emmys for Directing,
Cinematography, and Picture Editing.

The Square

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