Monday, January 6, 2020

Movies for the Day, Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Today's movies mark the birthdays of Flash Gordon, Aristotle Onassis, and Nicholas Cage.

Which of today's movies would you watch?

Flash Gordon (1990) is a space hero
adventure based on the comic strip in which
Flash Gordon first appeared January 7, 1934.
See also the Flash Gordon movie serials of 1936
to 1940, which are on the National Film
Registry.  They are part of the inspiration for
Star Wars.

Flash Gordon

Onassis:  The Richest Man in the World
(1988) is a dramatic biography of the shipping
tycoon who wed former First Lady Jackie
Kennedy.  This TV movie won an Emmy
for Supporting Actress, to Jane Seymour.
Aristotle Onassis was born January 7, 1906.

Onassis: The Richest Man in the World

City of Angels (1998) is a romantic fantasy
in which Nicholas Cage stars as an angel.
Cage was born January 7, 1964.  The movie is set
in Los Angeles.

City of Angels

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