Thursday, October 24, 2019

Movies for the Day, Friday, October 25, 2019

Today's movies mark a Russian anniversary and the birthdays of Johann Strauss and Klaus Barbie.

Which of today's movies would you watch?

October (Ten Days That Shook the World)
(1928) is about the Russian Revolution which began
October 25, 1917, according to the old Russian
calendar.  Aka Great October Socialist


Johann Mouse (1953) is a
Tom and Jerry cartoon inspired by
the work of Viennese composer
Johann Strauss, born October 25,
1825.  It won an Oscar for Cartoons.

Johann Mouse

Hotel Terminus:  The Life and Times of
Klaus Barbie (1988) is about the life
of the Nazi war criminal, including after
World War II.  Barbie was born October 25,
1913.  This movie won an Oscar for Best
Feature Documentary.  A very good movie.

Hotel Terminus

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