Saturday, October 12, 2019

Movies for the Day, Sunday, October 13, 2019

Today's movies mark the birthday of Yves Montand, an air disaster, and the birthday of Paul Simon.

Which of today's movies would you watch?

The Wages of Fear (1953) is an epic set in
South America about four men driving long
distance in trucks carrying dangerous nitro.
This very good movie stars Yves Montand, born October 13,

The Wages of Fear

Alive (1993) is about an
air disaster in the Andes Mountains
and the desperate measures taken
to survive.  The airplane
crashed October 13, 1972.


Under African Skies (2012) is a documentary
about Paul Simon's concert in South Africa upon
the 25th anniversary of his Graceland album.
This movie won an Emmy for Sound Mixing.
Paul Simon was born October 13, 1941.

Under African Skies

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