Thursday, September 6, 2018

Movies for the Day, Friday, September 7, 2018

Today's movies mark the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, the beginning of World War II, and Brazil Independence Day.  Which of today's movies would you watch?

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939)
is about the sixteenth century queen and her
love.  A very good movie, if not necessarily
authentic history.  Queen Elizabeth I was born
September 7, 1533.

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex

Hope and Glory (1987) is
about London during World War
II- air raid drills etc.  The first
air raid was September 7, 1940.

Hope and Glory

City of God (2002) is about life in
the slums of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Brazil Independence Day is September
7 (1822).

City of God

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