Sons and Lovers (1960) is the story of
a young man seeking to break the bonds of
family and circumstance to succeed as an
artist. It is based on the novel by D.H. Lawrence,
born September 11, 1885. It won an Oscar for
Sons and Lovers

Days of Heaven (1978) is a turn of the century (1900)
drama and love triangle set in rural America. This
excellent movie, which features wheat harvests,
won an Oscar for Cinematography. It is on the
National Film Registry. Husker Harvest Days in
Nebraska is from September 11 to September
13, 2018.
Days of Heaven

Remembering 9/11 (2013) is a two-
episode series. It won an Emmy for
Outstanding Special Class- Short
Format Nonfiction Programs.
The attacks on The World Trade Center,
the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight
93 occurred 9/11/2001.
Remembering 9/11
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