Monday, September 10, 2018

Movies for the Day, Wednesday, September 12, 1980

Today's movies mark a coup d etat in Turkey and the birthdays of Jesse Owens and Jennifer Hudson.  Which of today's movies would you watch?

Yol (1982) tells the stories of several
Turkish convicts on leave.  It is an
unsparing view of Turkey made after
the coup d etat on September 12, 1980.


The Jesse Owens Story (1984) is a
TV biopic of the famous Olympic
athlete.  This movie won an Emmy
for Hairstyling.

The Jesse Owens Story

Dreamgirls (2006) is about a trio of black
female soul singers making the crossover
to pop in the 1960s.  This movie won
Oscars for Best Supporting Actress, to Jennifer
Hudson, born September 12, 1981, and for
Sound Mixing.


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