Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Movies for the Day, Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Today's movies mark the birthday of Ray Bradbury, the first America's Cup, and the birthday of E. Annie Proulx.

The Angry Red Planet (1959) is about
mars monsters and spacemen.  Ray
Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles is
a great science fiction book.  Bradbury
was born August 22, 1920.

The Angry Red Planet

White Squall (1996) is about teenage boys learning
to sail and rely on each other.  It is set in the 1960s.
The first America's Cup sailing race was August 22,

White Squall

The Shipping News (2001) is a family
drama set in Newfoundland.  It is based
on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by
E. Annie Proulx, born August 22, 1935.

The Shipping News

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